National campaigns

Trussell campaigns nationally to end the need for foodbanks.

Foodbanks in the Trussell community believe that things can change. By working together, we can find ways to challenge the structures of poverty that push people towards needing a food bank. 

Campaigns are based on research and advocacy work, listening to communities, and considering policy and economic implications. But campaigning works best when we all get involved. From a few minutes to a longer investment of your time, you can make a difference by supporting a Trussell campaign for change.

Guarantee Our Essentials

We’re calling on the UK government to Guarantee Our Essentials.

In February 2023, Trussell launched a new national campaign called ‘Guarantee Our Essentials’ which will be running from now until the next General Election in 2024. This is part of Trussell’s long-term vision for ending the need for food banks, which we at Southend Foodbank have pledged to campaign on.

Just before the launch, Emma Revie CEO of Trussell, told foodbanks “You’ve all been working miracles to turn, what should be a crisis service, into one that can hold people for prolonged periods of time. Long gone are the days of three vouchers and no more, because that was enough to get people back on their feet, it’s not the reality for any of you anymore.”

The campaign is asking for policy change to ensure a bare minimum income be embedded into our social security system, meaning those on Universal Credit are protected from going without essentials such as food, clothing, light and heat.

The basic rate of UC for single people over the age of 25 is just £85 a week. Our colleagues at Joseph Rowntree Foundation have independently assessed the basic level should be a minimum of £120 for a single adult and £200 for a couple.

We also know that often people needing to use our food bank have up to 25% of their UC deducted to repay ‘debt’ to the government, such as advance payments, legacy benefit over-payments and budgeting loans from the DWP, plunging people further into poverty.

The £20 per week UC uplift during the 2020 lockdown had a profound effect on foodbank use nationally – it was the only year in the decade we’ve been open that we haven’t seen an increase in people needing a food parcel from us.

The effect on foodbank usage in Southend of having even a little more money to spend on essentials is starkly highlighted by the 146% increase in people using the Foodbank when we compare Jan/Feb 2021, while the uplift was being paid, to the same period this year.

The proposed Guarantee Our Essentials policy would enshrine in legislation:

  1. An independent process to regularly determine the Essentials Guarantee level, based on the cost of essentials (such as food, utilities and vital household goods) for the adults in a household (excluding rent and council tax).
  2. That Universal Credit’s standard allowance must at least meet this level.
  3. That deductions(such as debt repayments to the government, or as a result of the benefit cap) can never pull support below this level.

We’re proud to support this campaign at Southend Foodbank as we see first-hand how low levels of social security affect people in our community. It’s time for the UK government to guarantee our essentials. SIGN THE NATIONAL PETITION HERE:

Watch this video to understand more and join the campaign at

Emegency Fund Appeal

Trussell launched its first ever Emergency Fund Appeal, to help meet the increased need and keep food banks going.

A call for a stronger social security system

In 2022, Trussell asked you to join us in asking your MP to call for a stronger social security system.

In May the UK government announced a much-needed support package, targeted at people on the lowest incomes, to support with the rising cost of living. This was an important step in the right direction, but we cannot let this be a one-off. We must keep going.

Staff and volunteers at food banks are working tirelessly to support people in their communities as the price of essentials continues to soar. What we’re hearing from food banks is:

“The cost of living crisis is forcing people into impossible decisions because they simply don’t have enough money. Do they eat or buy other essentials such as school shoes for their kids?”

This isn’t right. If people are to have enough money to live with dignity, we need strong support systems that lift us out of hardship rather than plunging us deeper into poverty. This means investment in our social security system to ensure it’s a strong and effective lifeline for whenever any of us need support.

Do you agree everyone in our community should be able to afford life’s essentials?

Join our campaign which asks MPs to call for a stronger social security system that supports people every day, not just in times of national crisis.

ACT NOW by writing to your MP on the link below:

True Cost of Living

Cost of living: impossible decisions

Trussell research shows that one in six people who receive Universal Credit needed to visit a food bank at least once since the start of December and almost 2 million people were currently going without food.

This is the true cost of the rising price of essentials for people on the lowest incomes – people already facing impossible decisions such as heating or eating, with many having to take on debt just to get by.

This isn’t right.

Take action

1 minute: sign the petition run jointly across the two largest foodbank networks in the UK, the Trussell Trust and the Independent Food Aid Network.
This petition which calls on the UK Government to urgently increase benefit payments by at least 7% to keep pace with inflation. Longer term, it must introduce a commitment in the benefits system to make sure everyone has enough money in their pockets to prevent destitution.

5 minutes: roll the dice with Impossible Decisions, read the real life moment of this impossible decision being faced by someone today, and share on social media to raise awareness and say enough is enough.

10 minutes: download the toolkit and become a digital campaigner against the impossible decisions that the cost of living crisis is causing.